What is she?

"Mmm, the food here is nice. I have to give credit to the chef", Mia said, putting a piece of meat in her mouth. Meanwhile, Ivy was eating her noodles nonchalantly. " Right?" Mia asked looking at her friend.

Ivy took a quick glimpse of her friend and then returned her gaze to the pool. As she looked at the pool her eyes were filled with mixed feelings; hate, sadness, anger, it was also cold.

She suddenly stood up and walked toward the pool with her eyes fixed on it as if she was hypnotized, her face void of any expression.

"Ivy! Ivy!! what are you doing? you know you can't swim. Ivy!!" mia called out to her but she didn't seem to hear her or pretended not to. When she saw that, she ran after her, but before she could get a hold of her, a loud splash came from the pool.

Mia was in shock as she saw what happened right before her eyes, and to make it worst, they were the only ones in the VIP area.

Mia started removing her shoe as fast as her hands could, but before she could jump in to save her friend, another loud splash came from the water, and now she was completely soaked due to the force the person jumped in.

After some seconds, the person finally emerged from the water. He was completely drenched with water dripping from his hair. Mia's eyes immediately flew to her friend.

"Ivy! Ivy!! are you okay?" she asked as she looked worriedly at her unconscious friend. "P-president Qin?!" she asked surprised as their eyes met. She was too worried to even notice the person that saved her friend.

The man just walked toward the back door to avoid any unnecessary attention. He walked straight to his car and Mia immediately ran after him.

The chauffeur quickly opened the backseat for Xavier to enter with the woman still in his arms.

Lisa could not believe what happened right before her eyes as she stomped her feet angrily and accelerated at high speed.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is sad. Your plan didn't work, it never works, sorry" Xander said forming a pitiable face. "Better luck next time," he said leaning in to whisper into her ears. Did he have to rub it in?

"I brought my car you know. I'm sure you don't want to walk a thousand kilometers, given the amount of makeup you've applied and it will just melt on your face neither do you want to hire a cab because 'it's not up to your standard'" he said forming an imaginary quotation mark with his fingers.

"Oh, just be quiet!" she hissed as she walked grumpily towards his car and Xander smirked.


Qin Villa

"You're fortunate that the water didn't enter her lungs because this could lead to a critical condition" Emma Juang, the Qin's family doctor informed them after checking Ivy's vitals.

"But how is she," Mia asked impatiently. "She's okay. She'll wake up any minute from now" the doctor said as she shifted her gaze to Ivy. 'Jeez, what a beauty... but scary' she thought.

Mia placed her hand on her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"It's good that Mr. Qin here came just on time to save her". She said looking at the iceberg leaning on the wall

" And you..." Mia said as she approached the living statue. "You could've just brought her to the hospital, that's what normal people do. Why did you bring her to your house? And I'm guessing that this is your room" she said and looked around the grand bedroom with grey and white aesthetics that screamed RICH!!! "Why would you bring a woman to your room. Isn't that... weird? Mia continued.

Even the doctor was curious to know because he had never brought anyone to his room, not to mention a woman. It was then the doctor realized that the lady was no ordinary person. She seemed familiar... the one and only president of Li corporation, Ivy Li. She gasped, no wonder she was uncomfortable all this while. The aura in the room was times two from the normal state. This aura...

" Why did you bring her here?... answer m...!" Mia stopped as she felt the uncomfortable, intimidating aura emanating from him. She immediately shut her mouth and waited for her friend to wake up so that she can take her home.

The doctor scurried out of the room due to the aura and tense atmosphere.

Just then, Xander came in. "Woah, Woah, Woah, actress Mia song, I could hear you screaming from downstairs", he said, dramatically rubbing his ears. " No wonder they always give you those roles in your movies," Xander said as he approached her. Mia rolled her eyes, and he smirked annoyingly.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Xander Qin, younger brother of Xavier Qin," she said, approaching closer to him, their faces a few centimeters from each other.

"Are you always this dramatic or are you trying to impress me?" she said confidently looking up to him to meet his gaze.

"Impress you hmm... you wish" he scoffed.

"You're very beautiful and hot no doubt but I'll rather i...".

Their attention was immediately drawn to the lady on the bed who was now groaning as she pressed her temples due to a headache.

She slowly opened her eyes, the glittery crystals from the chandelier blinding her. She closed her eyes once again and opened them adjusting her eyes to the brightness of the crystals

Mia quickly ran toward the bed. " Ivy! are you okay? why did you do that? are you completely out of your mind?!" she asked tearing up.

Ivy immediately looked at her as if reading her soul and Mia shivered slightly. Even in her condition, she's so scary. The question isn't who again. What is her friend? What is she?

Ivy shifted her gaze to the iceberg and a sinister smile formed on her lips.