Who Are You Calling Low Class?

Ivy beckoned to her to sit on the vacant seat beside her, Xavier was sitting at the other end along with Ivy, when Lin Baozhai called Ivy to sit beside her.

As if Mia was lost in thought, thinking of which foot to use first to approach her, she walked almost reluctantly and stood behind the chair beside her friend.

Everyone's gaze traveled from Ivy to Mia who bowed respectfully to everyone in greeting and they all greeted her back. She dragged the chair out and took a seat.

"No... way!" Ava whose head had been buried on her phone the whole time exclaimed when she got a glimpse of the extremely familiar figure that was about to sit opposite her. "OMG! Mia Song?!" Ava stood up abruptly and ran to the other side of the table to take a selfie with Mia who looked stunned at Ava's sudden reaction. And that was the expression the camera captured.

"Umm... hey," Mia waved cutely at her.

"You're the actress, Mia Song, right?" Ava asked just to be sure and Mia nodded with a smile. "Great, now keep a perfect model face so I can take a pic," she instructed and they took a better pic than the first.

"And you're Ava Qin, I love the brands you advertise, they are so good and look so hot on you," Mia complimented her. "And wait... is that supposed to be the Ruby heart necklace you're wearing? It looks so much better in real life, especially on you," she reached out to the glimmering red heart-shaped necklace hanging on Ava's neck to take to closer look.

"Thank you," Ava blushed. "Now my fav two role models are here, I never want this night to end. You guys must be friends, right?"

"Best friends," Mia replied which caused her eyes to widen in shock.

"Someone hold me, I think I'm going to faint," she dramatically placed her hand on her forehead and did as if she was going to fall.

"Ahem!" Lin Baozhai cleared her throat to get the attention of the circle that was gradually pulling everyone, especially her beloved daughter-in-law, Ivy from the matter at hand.

Their heads simultaneously snapped towards her, whose arms were folded with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Sorry," Mia took the initiative to apologize.

"And you are?" Lin Baozhai asked with an arched brow.

"Uh, oh sorry about that, I'm Mia Song."

"The actress right?"

Mia nodded almost instantaneously, "Yes, yes ma'am."

"So nice to meet you, you look even prettier in person, please help yourself with the food."

Mia bowed her head shyly, nodding with a smile, "thank you."

She reached out for the bowl of rice, but suddenly the bowl was grabbed by another person, she raised her head and her eyes met with that of Xander who looked persistent in not letting her have the bowl.

They held intense eye contact for quite a while, Mia could feel anger blazing up within her bones and Xander's eyes were fierce almost ready for a fight. Xander immediately snatched the bowl from her when her grip on it got slightly loose due to the friction it created within her palms.

Lin Baozhai cleared her throat and Mia's head snapped towards her. She gave Mia an apologetic look and signaled her to a bowl of chicken soup on the other side of the table.

The bowl was just in front of the silver-haired guy. She swallowed a hard lump in her throat before summoning the courage to get his attention. He was busy eating while going through something on his phone, with earphones blocking both sides of his ear, he looked very muscular but not as much as a certain iceberg. But at least he looked more approachable compared to the iceberg sitting at the end of the table.

She figured that she couldn't get his attention since he seemed quite busy in his world, she decided to call the attention of the person sitting beside him, but to her misfortune, it was Tristan. She sighed exasperatedly, then stood up and took gentle strides toward his side of the table.

She was so lost in his appealing physique that when she reached for the bowl, she accidentally knocked the steaming soup all over his lap. It all happened so fast that she didn't know how to react.

The silver-haired guy flinched at the unbearable heat he was feeling, and subconsciously dropped his phone and removed the earphones from his ear. Mia's eyes widened with complete shock, she tried to apologize and reached for a napkin across the table to wipe him. But the stain was more around his groin area. She was so confused she didn't know what to do.

Everyone just looked stunned except for Ivy and Xavier. Tristan shook his head with a peal of undying laughter bubbling up within him and Xander sneered scornfully at her.

"I'm so so sorry, please. I promise I'll get you new pants and I'll... I'll pay you with interest. I'm so sorry I didn't mean for it to happen," she pleaded trying as much as possible to not let her gaze travel down to the area the soup had poured.

"No, no it's okay it's just a minor accident," the silver-haired guy spoke with an assuring smile. He had a British accent, he sounded so calm like a well-trained prince, the soothing voice made Mia feel like she was still in high school, she felt like she was already crushing on this extremely nice guy.

He stood up, and boy was he tall. "No, it's my fault. The stain doesn't look good and the pants look really expensive, you know what..." she ran over to her seat to grab her purse. She scrambled like a mad woman trying to look for something as she approached him. She brought out something, it was a black card. "Please take this as a token of my apology, the pin is..."

"Wait a minute, what do you think of yourself?" Xander stood up and approached them. "Do you think that he couldn't buy a whole closet of pants if he wanted to or do you think that this is just some sort of one of the flimsy movies you star in?" one of his hands was buried deep in his pocket while the other was holding his phone. He lifted his chin prompting her to answer but she just gave him a warning sign with her brown Bambi eyes, that screamed 'stay out of this!'.

"FYI, pretty actress, this guy here can buy y-"

"That's enough Xander, keep your mouth shut!" the silver-haired guy hushed Xander up with his index finger pointed toward Xander.

"But bro..." Xander trailed off when he felt the atmosphere drop like a snowstorm. The silver-haired man looked at him and Xander felt a skin-tearing chill run down his spine just from the single act of this calm, nice yet mysterious-looking guy.

"Apologize, Xander," the silver-haired said in a voice that was not loud or hard but held such chilling weight that no one would dare to defy him.

A somehow awkward silence reigned until Xander's voice echoed out, "I'm sorry... but I don't understand why you should let someone in a class below us treat you like..." he trailed off once again and this time, it felt like the atmosphere was like an inferno ready to heat him until nothing was left of him except for his bones.

"Who are you calling low class, Alexander?" the source of the powerful aura rang out in the dining hall. He gulped and turned around to be met by a pair of a certain emerald-eyed man, who looked intently at him. Ivan?!