
—West District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

The West District is the biggest area of Dotun City. The city isn't the most proportioned land in Lanima Region because the middle of it is Nansiga Province, where its area is closer to the East border than the West border of Dotun City, Alex has a lot of areas to go through to get back to his home.

When Alex entered the West District again after taking down a giant rat, he was caught by a few Reigners on the way, one of the main reasons why they're attacking him is because he's wearing a Scope jacket.

"I don't want to fight you, guys!" Alex shouts in his mind while fending them off.

He has no choice but to defend against them, run away from them—because they're a lot of Reigners, and absorb their Reigns using his Scope body whenever he blocks their Reigns that they threw at him.

[New Reign absorbed: Earth Control, Fire Blast, Wind Blow]

[Reign already absorbed]

[Reign already absorbed]

[Reign already absorbed]

"There are some Reigns that all look different but they all output the same power when they're used," Alex thought in a hideout after running away from many Reigners.

"I also notice that my left body—where my remaining flesh body is, they're glowing light blue earlier when I got the Reigns Earth Control and Wind Blow, I wonder why?" Alex asked himself.

"Wait, did I just think of this now? I was killed by the missile 3 years ago, and it's the exact date as the Cosmic Surge Event!" Alex thought, now just realizing.

His looks on his flesh body become more serious as he had his suspicions.

"Scope body, do you have all of the footage of the day that I was killed?" Alex asked his Scope body.

[I do]

"Bring them up, I need to see something," Alex thought, telling his Scope body.

[On it]

Alex watched the entirety of what happened in the meeting room on the upper floors of the S-12 building, and how he died. Though after watching all of this footage, he technically didn't die because…

"I was also affected by the Cosmic Surge Event! That's how I was able to help the others in the building to evacuate!" Alex shouted to himself, surprised by what he just found out.

"I am able to control almost everything around us before it crushed us, I also stopped the explosion before it reached the others, I was the only one that was heavily injured by it to the point that I got knocked back by it, the Cosmic Surge Event saved us," Alex thought after watching the footages.

The footage closed after it was done, looked closely at his two hands.

"So right now, I can use Reign with my left body too, it's just that, I need to unlock them by seeing the Reign or some sort, from those footages, I can control earth, which helped me control the S-12 building, I controlled the explosion using Wind Blow, I don't know the full details of it so I need to check that too with the Earth Control," Alex gave himself an explanation about his left body's Reigns.

"The Fire Blast is unknown yet. It might've not unlocked a Reign in my left body yet, why didn't I feel the Reign energy in my body back then? Is it because I was in a coma and my nervous system got locked until I felt the same Reigns like the Earth Control and the Wind Blow?" Alex thought, asking himself.

He doesn't just have fast healing, Reign absorb and copy, as well as the Scope body, but also a plethora of Reigns that are yet to be unlocked in his flesh body, so far he's unlocked 2 left body Reigns.

Alex tried Earth Control Reign.


"This is very powerful, so long as I fuse my energy on any earth, I can control it, it seems that the Reigner I absorb this from is just using it as an earthquake, does that mean that that Reigner hasn't mastered his Reign yet?" Alex said to himself, deducing on his own.

When he tried the Earth Control on his left body…


"Wait… it's the same power as my Scope body? That doesn't make sense! How much energy does my body even have?" Alex thought, surprised about the Earth Control of his left body.

In order to control bigger sized earth with Earth Control, it depends on how much Reign Energy a Reigner has, and when Alex tried to control two giant rocks with both his left body and Scope body at the same time, he deduced that his Reign Energy is that big.

"Apart from controlling, can I do more? How about shaping the earth?" Alex thought, asking himself as he is experimenting with his Reigns.

Activating his Earth Control again from both his body's sides, he tried shaping the earth into a circle, though it's not perfect, it's distinguishable as an almost circle.

"It's like carving the rock and moshing them all in one circular shape, like a mold or clay, but this obviously requires more energy than doing it manually, so this means that the Lanima Region's technological advancement will curve again, just like how Mr. Scope is able to control magnet's polarity with an electromagnetic force that's powered by the Sun's Radiation," Alex explained, telling himself while molding the earth with his Reign.

Alex put the two almost circular rocks down afterward.

"How about this Wind Blow? Do I just blow wind when I use it?" Alex thought, asking himself.

He then tried the Wind Blow, it did what its name is, blow wind in a direction that the Reigner chooses.

"It just blows the wind, that's basic. I wonder why it's in my left body as well," Alex said.

"Time to continue moving, I know for the fact that Dotun City is a deformed city, the West District is bigger than other districts, it's not symmetrical," Alex thought, leaving the hideout he's in.

A few more Reigners saw him on his way to the West, most of them all have the same Reign as the ones Alex has already absorbed.

[Reign already absorbed]

[Reign already absorbed]

[Reign already absorbed]

"These guys are so persistent!" Alex thought, shouting in his head.

"Don't you run away, Scope supporter!!!" One of the Reigners that are chasing him shouted at him while pursuing him.

"Is that why they're chasing me and trying to kill me? How did they even know that I—somewhat, support him and his company? That's so stupid! And this occurred for 3 years?!" Alex thought, infuriated about their reasoning why they were chasing him.

Alex has been chased for a few hours now. Though he doesn't get tired, his mental state is triggering him to do something since his mind is not as tough as his newfound stamina.

He then used his Earth Control Reign to face them, when they were about to close in on him since the Reigners that are chasing him this time are close combatants.

Controlling all of the ground where the chasing Reigners are going to run over, Alex trapped them in an Earth lock, prohibiting them to move and fight back.


"No!" The Reigners are surprised that they were stuck that fast.

They're an assuming Reigners that thought they're faster and agile than Alex, little did they know…

"I hope you guys don't get squished to death, that's not my intention." Alex headed to the one that shouted earlier, "now! You shouted that I'm a Scope supporter, right? What made you assume that?" He asked him.

"It's your jacket! It's Scope Enterprise's popular jacket! Let us go!"

"This hoodie? I didn't even know it is a famous jacket since I haven't bought any before," Alex thought.

"You don't have the privilege of asking me that after chasing me and trying to kill me. How did Scope supporters trigger you all to the point that you try to chase one and kill them?! Did all of the humanity in you disappear after getting powers?" Alex asked them while still infuriated by them.

One of the Reigners Alex trapped says, "Scope Enterprise's scientists are all cruel people! They're the reason why my mother, my father, and my friends died! Just because we were affected by this Reign! They experimented on their bodies till they died!"

"What?!" Alex thought, asking.

"The first 3 months after that Cosmic crap spread across the city, we're all contained in a cell, in some sort of prison if you will, we heard screaming, shouting, and crying in agony when they're experimenting on other Reign users, we can't let them all do that and let us die! We want to live! If they want chaos, then we will bring chaos!"

"Why are the Scope Enterprise's scientists experimenting on them like that? Do they not have Mr. Scope's surveillance? I thought he will first step up to an occurrence like this, fixing it quickly before it gets worse, but it has gotten worse, that's why nobody can enter and nobody can leave the city," Alex thought, deducing what might've happened.

"What did Scope supporters have to do with that? They're not the scientists that trapped all of you, you're like targeting the supporters of a war criminal even though they didn't participate in the war," Alex said, asking them as he references the World War 3 that previously occurred.

"This is definitely different from that! Of course, we have to include them! Most of the Scope supporters are all Reigners that have fought us back, right now, most of them are probably dead or hiding,"

"These guys are a lost cause, I'll just leave them," Alex thought, fuming inside.

Being able to push people away from the public, and even killing some, just because of this reasoning, Alex was fuming inside, he wanted to kill them but he suppressed himself by scratching his own fingers. He felt the pain but it healed right away.

"I can't stop what's already happened. And I can't save who's already dead, get over it, Alex," Alex thought, convincing himself.

He left the Reigners in his Earth lock.

"Don't leave us here!"

Alex chose to ignore their shouting.

"Is the nearest entry to Northwest this way?" Alex thought, running around looking for the way in the Northwest District.

He stumbled upon an area in the West District, sighting a giant spider from afar.

"Holy shi..!" Alex was surprised to see the giant spider, running to hide from it—even though it's far.

"I can't fight that! That's actually scary! It's like some sort of horror to even see it this big in videos and in online," Alex thought, hiding behind a stone.

"Wait… what am I scared off? I can just shoot it with Expanding Orb if it gets close to me! I guess I just don't like seeing this thing, let me practice looking at it from afar." Alex peeked at the giant spider, assessing if he is scared of it or not.

The giant spider was triggered, rampaging around. Alex saw that there are Reigners that are fighting it.

"I thought it's just moving around, so Reigners are stopping it?" Alex thought, asking as he looks close to what was happening in the area.

*rumble* *BOOM*

"Wait? Isn't it rampaging too much? How strong is that thing?" Alex asked himself after seeing how it was rampaging.

"Are the Reigners struggling after triggering it?" Alex thought, asking himself again.

His helpfulness made him forget that he's scared of the giant spider just a minute ago.

When Alex saw the Reigners that are fighting the giant spider, he was baffled.

"Is that Stacia!?" Alex thought, surprised and also glad to see her again.

The giant spider is thrashing Stacia and her group, killing 2 and severely injuring 3.

"No! She's in trouble!" Alex shouted, he then run towards them to help the Reigners.

When Stacia was about to be stabbed by the giant spider's legs…

"I'm not gonna die like this!" Stacia thought, panicking while attempting to block it with her Reign activated.

Activating his Arm Blades, Alex jumped in and cut the giant spider's leg that was about to hit Stacia.


Alex landed just behind her.

"Ms. Stacia!" One of the Reigners that were retreating shouted.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked her.

"That voice? It might've changed a little bit but him saying that will never be forgotten," Stacia thought, recognizing Alex's voice even though his transformation also changed his voice a little bit.

When Stacia saw Alex's face. "Alex!?" She asked, surprised and happy to see him again.

"He's a Reign user too!" Stacia thought, also surprised to know Alex is a Reigner as well.

The giant spider attacked the two of them with its legs.

"Watch out!"

"Ms. Stacia! Behind you!"

Just as Stacia was about to activate her Reign and look back to block the giant spider's attacks, Alex used his Earth Control Reign to stop it in midair.

"Whoa?! Did he use another Reign?! I thought he uses blade-type Reign? That doesn't look like blades at all!" Stacia was shocked after Alex used more than one type of Reign.