In a Dystopian Future that has discovered Mana, fantasy elements such as Magic, Monsters, Otherworldly Beings, and Gods have become real, merging with the modern era. Leading it are unique individuals, they came from separate tales, full of hardships and trials, and at the same time, amazing stories. No matter what their differences are, The Kings have banded together to lead this new era of reality.
Magic that can create anything from nothing, it could either sprout good or evil in a person. Monsters from the storybook come to life, to run rampant. Other Worlds that also carry lifeforms, and Gods that were only believed to be concepts that religions devote for, now reign over all mortals.
What really is Magic? Why was it the catalyst for all of these fantastical elements to come to life? Who orchestrated all of this? And who are The Kings who will lead humanity to this era?
This is Grinn Azeed's alt account, just checking to see if it works...