Worthy King

—Naht'n Kingdom, Naht'n Land; Euro Continent

"Lethe Yinre, I would like to invite you to the Naht'n Kingdom's castle, where I, King Yacht Earnest Naht'n reside, I only wish to have a sparring session with the undefeated top one Knight in Knight Academy, and if possible, converse with you at a tea drinking area in the castle, I hope you would consider this since I, King Yen, personally wrote this letter for you to meet me, sincerely, King Yen," Lethe read the contents of the mail that was given to him by King Yen.

"A sparring and tea-drinking session? Am I drawing too much attention? If there's a possibility of me becoming a King then I must prevent it since I have zero clue as to how to become a King, let alone managing an entire kingdom, and even worse, my training will be impeded," Lethe thought, worried after reading the mail.