Finish what I couldn't

—South District, Dotun City: Lanima Region

ParTrap left the apartment afterward, heading to the train crash to get his luggage that was still on the train.

Of course, nobody spotted him nor did they suspect him since he didn't stand out.

"If I have this power, I can do things I couldn't before, I can move faster than anyone, what's stopping me from returning? I don't know what's been happening in the assassination scene there since I've been hidden for 3 months before going here, there might be some slight changes after I left," Part thought.

After he got his luggage, he looked at his phone, where there was a note file that lists all the assassinations that he failed, he couldn't do due to difficulty, and those that knows his secret.

"I can finish what I couldn't before, no one will be able to stop me if I can technically stop time," Part thought.