Zach Anghelo


The story of Mikael Anghelo was fabled to be a legend in Heaven, he was the first Guardian Angel to be sent to the mortal world to guard and guide a mortal that was leading a good life but was unlucky by fate.

Angels may be immortals but they're not invincible, they can be killed by any means, they are just immune to aging, and their lifespan, if not tampered with, is infinite.

Mikael has guarded and guided many souls to Heaven, but his life went under with the 13th soul he was tasked to guard and guide.

Mikael was guarding and guiding a sculptor, an unlucky man, whose life was messed with by fate, he pretended to be a companion, the only friend in his unlucky life, there are many times the sculptor asked Mikael why he is sticking to him despite his unlucky life.

He told him that he saw potential in him as a sculptor, he is a kind person, humble, and positive person despite his circumstances.