They don't stand a Chance

—Wells Kingdom, Naht'n Land; Euro Continent

A spy went back to report what transpired in the Yinre Fields but because he couldn't get close due to how many Royal Guards there are, the spy only concluded that the Commander Knights died at Kinglyn's hands.

"What!? All my Commander Knights killed by their king!? Nobody told me he will be there!" The King of Wells Kingdom is furious.

"The Commander Knights are considered not just the elites of this kingdom but their strength, power, and influence are feared throughout the Naht'n Land! Even nations outside our continent have heard of our elites because of their feat of defeating an entire nation alone, of course, I'm there to lead them," the King thought.

"Does that mean the Naht'n King can take down an entire nation on his own?!" The King murmured, questioning it.