Let me help you

—Middle Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

Finn thought. "I've only fought one of these things before, a giant grasshopper before, let's see how I square up against a thick monster like this,"

When someone runs past him…

"Enter the Eatery! They have a cellar there," Finn told the citizens.

They then entered the Eatery.

When the giant beetle heard Finn's shouting, it went toward him.

"Okay, time to fight!" Finn went to his fighting stance.

But someone jumped down on the giant beetle…


"Hahaha! You'll be good for feasting!" A Reigner shouted after launching down on its head with his Butcher's Knives.

"Feasting!?" Finn shouted, asking.

"He's thinking like a chef again, kid, go back inside, you shouldn't be here," a lady Reigner told Finn.