If you pick on him...

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

After they finished unpacking, Gerald and Steven headed to their first class of the first day.

"Steven, where is your lecture? You wouldn't pick Cosmology just to stay by my side, would you?" Gerald asked him.

"My course is photography, I wouldn't pick Cosmology for you, obviously, and besides, if you somehow get yourself in trouble, the principal got your back, me too, but you will need to call me on my phone, you have a phone, right?" Steven replied, asking him back.

"I do, how far is your lecture?" Gerald answered, asking him again.

"In the same hallway as Cosmology coincidentally… try not to get bullied on the first day, okay?" Steven said.

"Okay," Gerald responded.

They then separate ways to go to their respective lecture halls.