
—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

We entered the test room.

"Can I come in too?" Steven asked.

"Okay, but if Gerald Lennar failed, you get expelled too, Mr. Xoof," the instructor that called us said.

"Oh… okay, I'll stay here then," Steven replied.

I thought. "He's a sweet kid,"

We sat down in front of the judges, observers, and instructors to hear Gerald's test results.

"Mr. Lennar, when did you realize your son's intelligence?" One of the judges asked.

"When did I? Ever since he picked up the Cosmic Astrology book, I had the hunch since he read the entire book, I got the confirmation when I got a report from his kindergarten on the first day, and I talked to him after it, he's smarter than probably me," I answered the judge's question.