Gain the Thousand Trust

—Northeast District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

After Alex teleported to the Northeast District, switching places with Stacia using Space Manipulation, Alex saw the Reigners of multiple groups—mainly the Thousand Reigns group, charging toward the North District walls.

"Stacia did her best to push them all back," Alex thought.

"How did you manage to push back this many Reigners, Stacia?" Alex called, asking her.

"I guess I'm stronger than I was expecting, your words were right, Alex," Stacia said, answering his question through their earbuds.

"I know you are, okay, I hope you can handle the people there, I'm starting here," Alex said.

"I can," Stacia responded.

"Such confidence, I hope for her success, best of luck for me as well," Alex thought.