Cosmic Energy within

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

I'm currently in my lab, still figuring out a way to fully neutralize a Reign using the current technology we have at the moment. Because the Cosmic energy we are using for energy and fuel in Lanima Region is still containable and we can disperse them easily, we still couldn't find a way to neutralize Reign. The effects that the Cosmic energy created inside the human body.

We can neutralize Cosmic energy that was the cause of the Reign because it's like electricity, we can remove all lights by cutting off power, the Cosmic Regulator only weakens the Reigners, we're just looking for the switch of their Reigns.

Amanda then entered the lab, delivering another bad news I would hate to hear. It's just bad news throughout, huh? Though it's not Amanda's fault.

"Mr. Scope, the Cosmic Regulators were destroyed in the Northwest District," Amanda informed me of bad news.