Twodo Rango

—Threer Rango, Viktoria City; Lanima Region

"After hiding my identity, my existence, and my appearance, just because of that one mistake, although it's just pictures of me, I'm still wearing my mask, my hat, and my full suit, but that means that identity is not my own anymore, it's not a myth anymore," Part thought.

He then received a message from the phone she gave Suzan.

"I'm sorry, that was my fault for not being careful," Suzan texted him.

"She feels bad about it," Part thought.

He then replied. "It's also my fault for not having my device that disrupts these cameras, for now, help me finish my task here and move to Twodo, people, for sure, will look out for me,"

Part grabbed everything he needs in his hidden lair and puts them in one bag, for now, he will need to rest since he can't use his Thunder Speed, he locked his hidden lair and his second hidden lair.