Let's test it!

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

The day ended and they're currently in Rannel Dines to eat dinner.

"Young Master, good evening, it's nice seeing you again since you're in Scope University for months now, if I have a bad memory, I would've thought I saw Mr. Steven more than you, or Ms. Raven," the butler serving for them greeted them, humoring them.

"Good evening, butler, it's nice seeing you again but it isn't nice hearing your old humor again. But! I'm sorry to bother you again, I've allocated our budget to our project I forgot to put some on our food." Gerald responded, greeting him as well.

"Good evening," Raven greeted him back.

"Good evening as well, butler, I have been here, I forgot to mention to Gerald that I also met her when she was here," Steven said, telling Gerald.