Live Bullets Terrorist

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

After I left the boys, I went to the businessman's office building, the one that visited me last night, with the help of the business card he gave me, tracking down his office building is an easy task because I've been into every nook and cranny of the Claw.

I should probably explain why Columbis City's areas are called Claw, well, it's simple really. Because the city is claw-shaped from the map, it's a big city but not as big as Dotun City.

Anyway, I arrived at the office building of the businessman so I tried to enter.

The guard stopped me. "Kid? What are you here for? Are you a high schooler?" he asked me after he stopped me.

He's judgmental of what I look like! But I can't be disrespectful of the guard here since I don't know him and he doesn't know me yet.