Live Gunman

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

"How were you able to operate your business after so many years of being inactive?" I asked.

The Live Bullets Terrorist were the reason for the death of thousands 10 or so years ago, I can't remember the exact date since my memories of it have been hazy for me, but I later found out from Him that it was actually the World War 3, it was the reason my parents died. I don't know if this terrorist is the reason since nobody really told me.

How many people have they gathered after many years in hiding?

"Because I don't have a real identity, I don't have a real face, this is not my real voice, this is not my real face, and Alab isn't my real name, in fact, I'm the only one that knows my real face, voice, and identity. I'm only known by the criminal name that was given to me by the authorities, Live Gunman," Alab explained, putting away his laptop.