Defying Science

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

In just a span of seconds, I'm able to rack my brains around on who these two people that entered my office unannounced, from the roof of the S-1 Branch, I finally remembered who these two people are, though I wouldn't say I forgot about them since I quickly recalled their identities in just a split second.

"I'm Stacia Thiwang," the lady with him introduced herself.

"Oh, I very much distinguish who the two of you are; I have numerous questions, why is Mr. Hugo late, where is Dr. Inuim, what transpired to the SSL, and why is Ms. Thiwang with you after working for 3 years in one of the major Reign group?" I asked them various questions.

The incident that took place in S-13 Branch is related to these two, Alexander F. Hugo mainly, and Stacia E. Thiwang, a close friend of Mr. Hugo, Mr. Hugo was able to predict the future of Reign.