You're not the only One

—Middle Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

"I remember they were involved with the initiation of World War 3, that was terror, we were fortunate our house have a basement that only our family knows so we survived the chaos," Joshua said.

Joshua thought. "And then all of our technology was stolen, like everyone else in Lanima Region, no one knows why,"

Samantha thought. "Father died in that war, only I and my mother survived because he was insistent that we hide under his laboratory, he was killed by his own technology after the war ended, we were already too late,"

"Why are we talking about this? Finn wouldn't want us to talk about this since it just brings in negative energy around us, especially when he's not around," Carl said, scolding the two for me.

Joshua thought. "Whoa, I didn't expect this from Carl,"