I have to Leave

—Outer Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

I was shocked and scared when I found out I'm restrained, that my fight or flight response is going all over the place.

"Hello!!? Is anyone here!? Can you get me out of here!? I don't think I deserve this after being obedient to you!!!" I shouted, asking and pleading for help.

I then remembered. "That's right!!! Mr. Alab shot me in the head! Why!? Even though I did everything he asked for, why!?" asked myself as I slowly get angry.

Knowing my position I can't defy these people, at least, not now since I don't know my capabilities yet and I don't know about the gift that The King's Tree gave me. Even though I followed their instructions, even though I never resisted, it still hurts knowing that there is no way for these people to do any good.

"Mr. Valtazar," I heard Mr. K calling from the right door.