Glory to Live Bullets

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

"I forgot about the other thing Mr. K told me after I took him down," Finn thought as he leaves the train that he took to enter Columbis City.

"A warning for you, hero of Columbis, Live Bullets will never die, no matter how many times you take them down, they'll return like the roaches they are," Mr. K said to Finn before.

"I just hope they don't come back stronger or something like that," Finn thought.

Finn then arrived in Columbis City after a day of traveling, Mr. Colyde doesn't want him to rely on Alex's teleportation Reign since that will make him lazy.

"Stupid Clyde, I've already proven my usefulness and he still doesn't want me to be teleported by Alex, just so that I won't be lazy! Bro, I don't think I need any training like this anytime soon," Finn thought, frustrated.