Kinglyn VS Naht'n Kingdom

—Naht'n Kingdom, Naht'n Land; Euro Continent

Kinglyn's question to Olivia of if she thinks he could take on the biggest kingdom in Naht'n Land, Wells Kingdom alone surprised her but it didn't stop her from thinking of the possibilities. 

"You alone against the Wells Kingdom? I can already gauge your full potential but even I'm curious about the answer to your question," Olivia replied to Kinglyn's question.

"Hmm… what if I fight all the Elite Knights of this kingdom alone? And see if I even have a chance of even facing Wells Kingdom alone, of course, that includes you since you've trained with me long enough to become a good enough sparring partner for me," Kinglyn suggested, offering his hand to lift her as she was sitting on the ground.

Olivia grabbed his hand and he lift her.