Biggest Monster Hunt

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

When the day ended, Gerald has been discharged from Mr. Colyde's custody but immediately went back since they had an agreement or rather a punishment agreement for Gerald, a deal Gerald requested.

Gerald will be under Mr. Colyde's name, he'll work for him for a place to stay, for clothes to wear, for food to eat and beverages to drink, and nothing else, no monetary compensation as an additional punishment for him.

At the same time, he'll be trained by Alex to become a Reigner with the same compensation as Mr. Colyde, under Alex's name too as the Reign Master so both of them can look after him.

For Finn? He's just there to go along with the plans Alex and Mr. Colyde have made.

Gerald is being taken to his room that's in North District, the four of them then headed their way there in Mr. Colyde's helicopter that's stationed above the A-4 Branch building.