Catch the Fallen

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

Lanima Region had a lot of changes, affecting almost all the countries and cities of the region, Taxes are now well-balanced, security is tighter, not pressuring but assuring, job issues that were troubling even the Lanima Elders were resolved immediately, and most of all, issues and concerns regarding Reigners are now solved, there are still police, laws about them, and other services, the Reigners' purpose is to just exterminate monsters and threats that normal humans could not handle, referencing to the Agent.

Many months later, Finn is currently on his way to The King's Tree Park, when he receives a call from his brother.

"Clyde! Wazzup?" Finn asked in a jolly tone.

"Finn, are you busy? Can you visit? We have something to talk about, Alex and the others are on their way here," Mr. Colyde replied, asking him.