Fallen Angel

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

After catching her in Columbis City's forest, Finn's Etherno's Force was reacting to Princesia's artifact on her forehead, an artifact that could gather God's Light automatically, Etherno's Force was responding to God's Light.

"Who is she?" Finn asked himself as he sat up straight.

A portal then suddenly appeared on his right side as he was nestling Princesia in her arms.

"Finn? Who's that? Whoa, you created a long crater," Alex asked after appearing out of the portal he made, surprised at what happened here.

"She has Mana?" Alex thought, asking himself.

"Yeah, I don't know, I saw her falling from the sky so I rushed to where she was falling and caught her," Finn answered.

"Is she a Reigner?" Alex asked as he approached them.