We mean no Harm

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Kinglyn then arrived at The Kings' headquarters, he brought 3 High Orcs' corpses, floating them up in the air using a Space Sword, Mr. Colyde waited for Kinglyn since he informed him of his arrival.

"Why did you bring that here? There's a Collection Team for monster corpses," Mr. Colyde asked.

"These things are hard to kill for a reason, their skins and fleshes can be used as material for special gears and equipment, their bones are as strong as titanium, and many more, so be sure to personally handle this monster, there are more but I've only encountered this one," Kinglyn answered.

"I'll bring that over to the lab then, Is the dragon that you fought before also one of those monsters?" Mr. Colyde responded, asking him again.