First day, Master's

—Nansiga Province, Lanima Region

After Gerald and Raven left Steven's house in South District, a whole month have passed with the same occurrence, the only difference that it has is that Steven and Raven started talking normally to one another, though Raven is still cold to him and Steven isn't going to give up on befriending her.

When a month has passed, the first day of getting their Master's degree has come.

"We'll be leaving! Mama! Papa!" Gerald told them with Raven.

They already have their luggage ready to move to their dorm rooms.

"Don't forget your promise to go back home every weekend!" Emerald responded.

We're in the kitchen area of the house so we are shouting and they're leaving through the door in the living room.

"Yes, Mama!" Gerald replied.

"Be safe, kiddo!" I shouted.