Steven vs. Raven

—South District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Steven and Raven are about to spar, Raven wanted to determine whether or not Steven is the perfect candidate to be Gerald's training teacher.

Gerald thought. "If they made me pick despite the winner and loser after this spar, I'll pick both of them, better have two than one or none,"

Steven thought. "I haven't interacted with women since I am not very confident in front of them, if they're 5 years older than me or more, I can, Raven is the first one I've interacted with for this long, well, it will get much longer so might as well show off,"

"Go!" Gerald shouted.

Steven was the first to charge at Raven, he lands a right hook first, Raven ducked down and countered with a straight punch on Steven's body, and he was pushed back afterward.


"Tch!" Steven reacted, trying to keep himself together.