Double Training

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Steven took Gerald to a secluded area where they can do some training.

"Where did you take us, Steven?" Gerald asked him.

"We're in the old grounds' old stadium, it's old enough that no one is willing to go here, even though it's cleaned regularly," Steven answered after dragging Gerald here.

It's now dubbed as OGOS—old grounds' old stadium, by the students and instructors of the university because of how deserted it is these days, and since there are newer stadiums for physical training and exercises, they don't need the old stadium, it's now just for aesthetics.

"Okay, what are we doing here? Do some push-ups or something?" Gerald asked.

"You're right on that one since that's the first thing we're doing, push-ups and many more but with a twist! Stay right there," Steven answered.