Going back again

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Gerald and Steven woke up early to prepare, Gerald will be visiting us since it's the weekend, though Steven will break off and head back to his house in South District, relatively near us, not far that Gerald can't visit him for their training, Raven will be coming since she is Gerald's bodyguard.

"Gerald! I'm done with the bathroom," Steven said as he exits the bathroom.

Gerald then entered the bathroom after him.

"I forgot to take a bath last night so I'm taking a bath now," Gerald said.

"Wait! Don't! Just take a shower since that's not proper! Just take a shower like me, plus, the driver we contacted will arrive soon so I'm calling Raven, if they're ready," Steven told him to be fast.

"Okay," Gerald responded.

Gerald just took a shower; Steven called Raven on his phone.