Ork Attack

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

When 4 of my friends entered the storage room where I told them to run to, they started looking for the vent I mentioned to them.

"Where are the vents Finn is telling us?!" Tom shouted, asking the others.

"Be quiet! There might be some of those guys that can enter here. Most vents are on the ceiling so…" Carl said after shouting at Tom.

They then looked at the ceiling afterward.

"Samantha, can you stand up? We will hoist you up the vents," Joshua asked her as he puts her in one of the seats in the room.

"I can… I think we can use these chairs to get up there…" Samantha answered, suggesting a way to go up the vents.

I'm amazed Samantha can still help even though she just get her neck chopped, of course, not entirely, she was just hit on the neck.