Preparing the house for Olivia

—Naht'n Land, Euro Continent

Lethe arrived in his homeland after a few hours of traveling in the carriage from Knight Academy.

"It's been a while since, I hope everything is going okay while I'm gone," Lethe thought as he watches his homeland from the window of the carriage.

He then left the carriage after arriving in front of his house, when he opens his door, his uncle, Ted Yinre, sleeping in the dining area, so, he went over to him to lift him and take him to the sofa to sleep on, at least.

"Uncle… did you oversleep again? You're getting old, try to slow down like I said in the letters," Lethe said as he covers Ted with a blanket.

"You know I can't do that… I won't have anything to pay for your academy bills…" Ted said.