We are Dating

—Naht'n Land, Euro Continent

"Greetings, I am Olivia Templar, daughter of Edward Templar and Rachelle Templar, it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Ted Yinre," Olivia did a grandiose introduction.

She bowed majestically in front of Ted Yinre after he opened the door for her, and she has several Knights behind as her guard for her visit to Lethe's house.

"Isn't this overkill, Edward? Why have you become this overprotective than the last time we met? Ah, probably because Olivia over here met a man, and that would be Lethe," Ted thought, questioning himself.

"Welcome, thank you for taking care of my boy, Lethe, as you might've already known about him, he causes quite a bit of ruckus wherever he goes, please, enter! He did his best to clean up the place before your arrival, please, enter!" Ted responded with a smile, making way for her entry.