Here is a Declaration

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

We arrived just in the nick of time to aid Ms. Thiwang against the Half-Thousand Reigns that circled around the city, apparently, they are planning to take down the Masters of Reigns and they're still under the impression that Ms. Thiwang is still part of Masters of Reigns.

"You tricked us!"

"Don't you dare try to help!"

"What is happening here?!" I shouted, asking Ms. Thiwang.

She's currently stopping their movements using her Reign.

"They thought I'm still part of Masters of Reigns even though I told them I'm not, I even said I'm with Alex! I am about to lose my Reign energy soon!" Ms. Thiwang answered as she's struggling to push the Half-Thousand Reigns back.