End this Tyranny silently

—Oner Rango, Viktoria City; Lanima Region

"Soldiers of the Demises, we will be facing difficulties from now on after we've taken over the leaders of Viktoria City, rallies, rebellions, and enemies will come after us, we're the biggest group in Viktoria City and no one comes close, we will take over this city and we'll make it better than ever!" Digo did his speech in front of everyone.


"The Demises will end the reputation of the past and change its future!" Digo shouted, lifting his people's spirits.


Several days later, the soldiers of the Demises then spread around Oner Rango, keeping anyone from entering and chaos havoc inside Oner Rango, Digo has also begun the operations to increase his soldiers and train them to spread around Twodo Rango and Threer Rango as well.