Lightning and Thunder

—Oner Rango, Viktoria City; Lanima Region

The assassins of Viktoria City slowly kill the soldiers of the Demises stealthily, taking advantage of the sunset and the shade it envelops the surrounding.

"What's happening!? I can't contact the others!"

"They're not in their positions!"

"Contact the bosses!"

They tried to flee to report to Digo and Lavoe but they were sniped by a sniper from afar.

"They also have a sniper!"

"Retreat! Protect Digo!"

"I don't wanna die!"

Everyone flees, but some of them die on the way, the assassins are still in pursuit to reduce their numbers as much as they can.

"Don't be scared!"

"Let's lure them to our territory where we can fight better!"