Alex VS Rald

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"Mr. Scope, I'm sure you haven't forgotten but Gerald still has no control over his Reign energy usage, he might lose control over Rald once he ran out," Alex said.

Mr. Colyde suggested Gerald transform into Rald and fight Alex.

"Really? In your Scope eyes, it seems like he has the same amount of Reign energy as me, we will never progress with Gerald's growth if we hinder it any further, I know you're just worried, one of us had to kick the engine to start it, Gerald, trust in me, transform to Rald," Mr. Colyde responded, requesting Gerald to transform.

"Did he figure out something? I might've been seeing that Gerald has a lot of Reign energy but I don't know about his usage of it," Alex thought.

"I… I trust Mr. Colyde, I want to be in control of my Reign, even if I lose Reign energy," Gerald said.