But at what Cost?

—Nansiga Province, Lanima Region

One of the operators in the control room thought. "I wouldn't be surprised if she ever survives this, Mr. Colyde marries her,"

"I'm sorry about this, Mr. Scope, I didn't intend for this to happen, I don't know much about these things' nature," Amanda apologizes to Mr. Colyde.

"Don't be, even I am not aware they can sense frequencies of that level, rest up," Mr. Colyde responded.

While Amanda is inside the underground tunnel, waiting for the connection to Scope Satellite to connect to the Nansiga branch's servers, waiting for rescue, waiting for things to calm down because right now, she's getting pursued by the monster's tentacle fleshes, wanting to kill her but thanks to the device that Mr. Colyde gave her, Amanda is surrounded by a Plasma Barrier.