Magic Academy

Heaven experienced nighttime for the first time, the darkness that covers Heaven, the only semblance of their God, the Light is from the twinkling stars in the sky, and the Moon that, despite being as big as the Light, doesn't shine as brightly as their God.

They continued to pray for almost a day and their prayer worked, sunrise occurred, and they watched it together in Heaven's Plaza.

"King Monarch, what will happen to Heaven now after this? We experienced sunset, nighttime, and sunrise, which only existed in the mortal world," an Elder Angel asked.

"Let us hope that our Lord brings us news once it is possible, we can't question the Light's way as we are only living in his land and we are only his servants, gifted by his blessings, I just hope we don't have to wait and pray for long because we have been his servants for many years," the King of Angels answered the Elder Angel.