Uncommon Flight

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Princesia went to the edge of the opened gate in Mr. Colyde's lab on top of the S-1 Branch building, spreading the wings that he made for her.

"If it didn't work, I'll catch you again," Finn said.

"Finn, he's too kind, I might actually fall for him," Princesia thought, looking over at him and smiling at him.

"Don't worry, we have spells that can slow our fall, I'll be right back," Princesia responded.

"Just know, I can turn those wings off with just my thought, so, you know what you don't need to do," Mr. Colyde said, warning her.

"I will not fly away and steal this thing, you created this, the smartest man in the mortal world," Princesia replied, reassuring him.