Welcome to the Modern World

"Wear this, with this equipment, it will allow us to talk normally inside this loud vehicle," Mr. Colyde said as he handed a headset to Kinglyn.

"What a strange equipment…" Kinglyn thought. He then copied them on how they wore the headset.

Alex and Mr. Colyde took Kinglyn to the South District of Dotun City using the helicopter, Part just speeds out of there using his Silent Thunder Speed.

"My name is Johnson Clyder V. Scopenouse or just Mr. Colyde," Mr. Colyde introduced himself.

"I'm Alex! And the guy in the suit is Part," Alex introduced with a big smile.

"I'm Lethe Yinre Naht or Kinglyn since that is what my people call me," Kinglyn introduced himself as well. 

They then headed to the helicopter that landed near them.