How to Light bend

Principe and Penny headed to Heaven's Plaza after Principe brought the level 2 artifact that he stole from Princesia's office, holding onto it until Penny is done teaching him Light bending.

Penny is bending the light around them so no one could see them.

Because it is about to be morning, they went above the plaza, where God's Light is the most prominent, and the brightest.

"We will have to wait for the morning, also, we will need another level 2 artifact if we want the two of us to become the strongest Angels in Heaven," Penny said.

"Another one? Why would we need another?" Principe asked.

"One for me and one for you, you will have to assure me you will give that to me so that I can teach you Light bending, I will not if you don't," Penny replied, answering his question and then warning him.