Don't control its Anger

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"Before you transform, put this in your ear, while you're inside Rald, we can communicate with you through these earbuds," Mr. Colyde said, giving Gerald a pair of earbuds.

"Okay," Gerald responded as he took and put the earbuds on.

After he wore them, they quickly activated and synced through Mr. Colyde's communication systems in the building.

"Can you hear us, Mr. Lennar?" Mr. Colyde asked him through the earbuds without actually opening his mouth and talking.

"I can, how's that possible?" Gerald responded, asking them.

"It's Intellection technology, allowing us to transmit message using our thoughts, it's still being tested, the only ones that have the finished product is me and Alex over here," Mr. Colyde replied, answering as he points to Alex.