Alex VS Gerald

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

The next day when Alex visited Gerald, Gerald said that he wants to spar with him using Reign, Mr. Colyde told him that Alex will be happy to hear that.

"This man, for some reason, is ecstatic whenever a Reigner spars with him, he thinks like a proud parent, he's only a Reigner for one year, and I'm older than him," Mr. Colyde thought.

They're currently inside Mr. Colyde's facility in the A-4 Branch building, from the branch buildings of S to B, he has an exclusive building that only he can enter using a card only for the head of the Scope Enterprise, him.

"I'm glad you told me that you want to spar with me as Reigners, I would be upset if Mr. Scope told me himself," Alex said happily as he stretches.

"I did tell him to tell you, so it's his decision," Mr. Colyde responded.