Wey VS Kinglyn

—South District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Stacia, Rea, and Wey are touring Kinglyn around their headquarters.

"Together with the emergence of Reign, come with evolved animals and fantasy monsters popping up, so laser bullets or even missiles don't work against these things, instead, we have weapons like swords, spears, and axes imbued with Reign energy," Rea explained as she pointed to the weapons room.

Kinglyn headed there since the door was open and he is a weapons enthusiast.

"I guess he likes weapons, as expected, he is from the past," Wey thought.

"Normal weapons don't work against monsters, so even imbuing Reign energy on a small knife is enough to injure them, we sell smaller weapons to citizens to protect themselves," Stacia said as she followed.

Rea and Wey followed as well.