What is this?

—Inner Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

"Why me? There are others that are hardcore about climbing this tree, you know?" I asked Samantha after she requested me to do The King's Trial.

"I could, can you not do it?" Samantha answered, asking me after.

She's serious about this, huh? What is she even researching for her to ask me this?

"I can, I've helped clean the upper sections of The King's Tree but I've never been at the top of it. Do you want me to contact the regulars that always play here for you?" I answered, asking her if she wants me to call the regulars of this game.

I've even cleaned the top areas of The King's Tree but never once caught glimpse of what's on top of this big tree, I wonder if only trial goers can only see what's on top, or only you'll only see it once you're on top of the tree.