The King's Tree

—Middle Claw, Columbis City; Lanima Region

As we are on our way to the Inner Claw of Columbis City, Samantha talked to me on the way, it's the usual thing since she gets bored and annoyed when we're walking and silent for a few minutes.

"Finn, how long have you been working in the park again?" Samantha asked me while she is scrolling through her phone.

She's too carefree!

"Don't talk, walk, and use your phone at the same time, Samantha, I've been in the park ever since our university closed since I needed money, so for 4 years now," I answered after reprimanding her.

That is a talent she has, I guess that's the power of mastering not just Karate but also multitasking too.

I wonder why she asked me how long I've been working in my current job.

"Yes, daddy…" she then hid away her phone.

Daddy!!? Is she messing with me?!