Alex's Plan

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"Now, how should I proceed with this city's circumstances?" Alex thought, asking himself while in his house's dojo—sitting on the ground.

He's currently practicing the Reigns he has obtained from the Reigners that he has faced. Right now, he's using Wey's Vibration Control.

"His Reign has more use than he knows, Vibration Control, can you show me the description of this Reign?" Alex said, asking his Scope body.

[Vibration Control – the ability to not just control vibration but also enhance it and remove it]

"Figures, that's why despite his body glowing orange and yellow, his Reign completely stopped because I stopped the vibration of his body that's protecting him from any contact and also creating shocks to all things he hit with this," Alex thought while using the Reign.