to Doctorate degree

—North District, Dotun City, Lanima Region

2 years later…

"…I now call! Gerald F. Lennar!" Mr. Sumeshi called as he is on stage, waiting for him on the podium.

Today marks Gerald's graduation ceremony for attaining his Master's Degree, Scope University is currently gathered in the Scope Arena to celebrate it.

Gerald then headed to the podium to get his medal from Mr. Sumeshi, he first shook Mr. Scope's hand who was waiting in the first row, next are his professors, then comes Mr. Sumeshi. Gerald shook his hand and he put the medal around Gerald's neck.

"Congratulations!" All of them on the podium congratulate Gerald at the same time before he goes down the podium.

Mr. Scope thought. "I will be seeing him next year, I'm sure he wants to get his Ph.D.,"