Telekinetic Stacia

—South District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"Man, I thought we'll get another Reign Commander, he will probably become the strongest Reign Commander if he joined us, like Finn in The Kings," Wey said, annoyed as they head to their rooms in the headquarters.

"I did predict that he will join them considering he asked many questions about The Kings, especially the Reign Master," Rea responded.

"He is also intrigued by the fact that Mr. Scope knows his story in a book he mentioned, he even knows his full name, I believe he said his name is Lethe Yinre Naht, or Kinglyn since that is what his people call him," Stacia said.

"Naht? Isn't that a kingdom in the past? Naht Kingdom… I feel like it is missing something," Bob asked, remembering the full name of that kingdom.